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All CWBS materials are designed and recommended for:

  • Catechesis for Teens/Children
  • Catholic & Diocesan Schools
  • Home School
  • RCIA
  • Youth Ministries
  • Seasonal Purposes – Lent & Advent
  • School Enrichment Programs
  • Small Groups – Parish Faith Formations
  • Youth Programs
  • Teacher Continuing Education
  • Marriage Preparation – USCCB Framework
  • Group or Individual Study in Home or Formal Settings
The Book of GenesisGenesis explores the great themes of creation, sin, salvation, covenant, and the calling of the Chosen People against a fascinating human backdrop. The practical application of the principles learned from Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and Sarah, Jacob and Joseph is an integral part of our call to holiness as Christians.
2449 - 68BUY NOW
The Four Books of MosesThis study of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy examines the origins of the Mosaic ritual law, the codification of the natural moral law in the Ten Commandments, and the adventures of the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land under the leadership of Moses. Glean practical applications for your own life from our Israelite predecessors.
2445 - 66BUY NOW
Israel, David & The KingdomsFollow the Chosen People as they enter the Promised Land of Israel through the books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings. Meet heroes like King David and villains like Jezebel. From the Conquest of Canaan until the Return from Exile: you will not be bored as you follow this adventure in holiness and nation building.
2356 – 67BUY NOW
Exile and the ReturnThroughout the Exile to Babylon God reassures His People. See Daniel prophesy and Esther deliver her people. Join in the adventures of Tobit and Judith. Stand by as Ezra and Nehemiah rebuild the nation, and finally, witness the heroic struggle of the Maccabees. The main lesson is: God is faithful and will never abandon those who trust in Him.
2450 – 64BUY NOW
The Gospel of MatthewMatthew presents Jesus as the Royal "Messiah" - the "Anointed One". He is the "shoot" of King David, long awaited by the Jews and the fulfillment of the Old Covenant. Jesus of Nazareth is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. His words and actions show a power and authority greater than any before Him and lay the very foundations of His Church.
2554 – 73BUY NOW
The Gospel of MarkMark's Gospel is action packed and fast paced. Jesus does amazing signs and wonders to underline the message of salvation. Join us as we explore Jesus as seen through the eyes of Peter, Mark's primary source of information.23BUY NOW
The Gospel of LukeLuke spoke primarily to the Gentiles of the Universal Church. In this study, we examine themes like joy and the Holy Spirit, prayer, the role of women, the salvation of the Gentiles, the deep influence of the Old Testament, and many others. We will also accompany Jesus on His long journey to Jerusalem through His Passion and Resurrection.
2355 – 70BUY NOW
The Gospel of JohnJohn's Gospel offers an "eagle's eye" view of Jesus' life. Not only is He clearly Priest, Prophet, and King, He is also the Eternal Word, the Son of God. Meet the cast of the wedding at Cana, the Samaritan woman and Lazarus as they confront who He really is. In addition, Jewish feasts reveal the pivotal moments of Jesus' life and mission as the Promised Messiah.
2356 – 68BUY NOW
The Acts of the ApostlesAlso known as the Gospel of the Holy Spirit, Acts is the exciting adventure of the birth of the Church. Meet Peter, John, and Paul, Apostles used by the Lord to spread the faith from Jerusalem through Samaria, Antioch, Asia, and finally to Rome and the ends of the earth.
2251 – 67BUY NOW
Romans and GalatiansRomans is a compendium of Paul’s teaching on topics such as justification, salvation, atonement, as well as practical components of everyday Christian living. In Galatians Paul continues and expands his message given to the Romans. Through this study we learn how to apply some basic truths of our faith to our lives.
2355 – 72BUY NOW
The Letters to the CorinthiansThe problems experienced by the Church at Corinth are familiar ground. Unity, state of life, moral temptations, liturgy and many other issues are applicable to today’s Church. Paul’s inspired answers are still practical and fresh regardless of the centuries that have passed. Join us as we look at the issues addressed by these two deeply inspiring letters. 
2357 – 66BUY NOW
The Book of RevelationThe Book of Revelation illustrates the judgments brought on by humanity's disobedience to God's laws and His great mercy and love for us in spite of our rebellion. The paradox of Jesus as Lord and the Lamb who was slain; the seals, trumpets, and bowl judgments, found their fulfillment in John's own time, are fulfilled in our time and look to the End for final realization.2351 – 68BUY NOW

Formats Available:

The materials can be obtained in DVD, CD, Digital format (with or without Data CD).

  • DVD Bible Study: includes individual class lectures and 1 Data CD.
  • CD Bible Study: includes individual class lectures and 1 Data CD.
  • Lectures Only: includes individual class lectures on DVD or CD. No Data CD included.
  • Digital Format: available in both audio and video.
  • Data CD: includes Administrative Setup, Yearly Schedule, Questions, Coordinator’s Suggested Answers, Vocabulary Lists & Handouts also available in digital.
The Apostolic LettersThe Apostolic, Catholic, or Universal letters include The Letters of James, 1, 2 Peter, 1, 2, 3 John and Jude. They address all Christians wherever they may be. Learn how to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ with the direction, encouragement and challenges offered to the first communities.
1058 - 67BUY NOW
The Letter to the HebrewsThe Letter to the Hebrews is about the identity, nature and mission of Jesus Christ, as both sacrifice and High Priest. He is the only true Mediator of the New Covenant, which is better and more effective than the Old. Join us as we unpack this message of encouragement and endurance, as relevant today as it was for the first Christian communities. 
1144 - 65BUY NOW
The Book of DanielDeported into exile as a youth, Daniel spent his life excelling at everything he did. Explore with us Daniel's visions, his witness to faith before the lion's den and his legendary wisdom. Daniel stands for steadfast faithfulness in the face of great danger.
358 - 64BUY NOW
The Book of EstherLearn from Esther to count the cost and step up “for such a time as this” despite great personal danger. Topics include courage, divine guidance and God's deliverance of His Chosen People from certain destruction.360 - 64BUY NOW
Letter to the GalatiansPaul explores the tension between rigid unthinking adherence to tradition and laxity of belief and practice in the letter to his beloved Galatians. Topics include justification in Jesus Christ, the validity of His Gospel, and Paul's call to apostolic mission. 351 - 69BUY NOW
The Book of JudithBeautiful and shrewd, Judith is a picture of wisdom and strength. Alone, unarmed and in the direst circumstances, she delivers her nation from disaster. Topics include vigilance, personal holiness, divine protection and the rewards of faithfulness.351 - 61BUY NOW
The MassJoin us as we examine evidence from Scripture, the Church Fathers, and the documents of the Church detailing how we truly join the heavenly courts when present at Mass. See the parts of the Mass explained; look at its ancient roots in the Old Testament; see its development over the millennia since the Last Supper.
351 - 59BUY NOW
The PassionDiscover the deep Old Testament roots of Jesus' Last Passover Supper, as well as the medical, archaeological, historical, and theological elements of the Passion of the Lord, from the Agony in the Garden to His Crucifixion.464 – 68BUY NOW
The Gateway SacramentsBaptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist are the gateways to the other Sacraments. Baptism opens the door to enter into the family of God. Confirmation marks us with the seal of the Holy Spirit. The Eucharist nourishes and sustains us for life in the Holy Spirit. Join us as we explore these 3 Sacraments.
353 – 67BUY NOW
The Book of TobitJoin Tobit, Tobias, Sarah and the mysterious angelic traveling companion Raphael as God heals, protects and delivers, even in the face of hopeless circumstances. Topics include respecting elders, valuing family, the importance of marriage and service to others.353 – 61BUY NOW

Formats Available:

The materials can be obtained in DVD, CD or Digital format with or without Data CD.

  • DVD Bible Study includes individual class lectures and 1 Data CD.
  • CD Bible Study includes individual class lectures and 1 Data CD.
  • Lectures Only includes individual class lectures on DVD or CD. No Data CD included.
  • Digital Format available in both audio and video. Data CD can be purchased separately.
  • Data CD includes Administrative Setup, Yearly Schedule, Questions, Coordinator’s Suggested Answers, Vocabulary Lists & Handouts.
Angels: Heavenly WitnessesJoin us as we examine our Catholic Christian beliefs about Angels. We know from Scripture and Tradition that: they are pure spirit messengers between God and humanity, they oversee nations and leaders; they stand before the Throne; and they are our personal guardians. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are known to us, but there are many more from whom we can draw inspiration.
3/151 - 54BUY NOW
Catechism of the Catholic ChurchThe Catechism of the Catholic Church is a perfect distillate of Scripture and Sacred Tradition mediated through the Magisterium. Its four pillars of Creed, Sacraments, Commandments and Prayer offer the way back to God through a solid knowledge of the faith.  It is the ultimate response to modern meaningless: God has a purpose and a plan of infinite blessing for the world.
2/140 - 43
The CovenantCovenant is God's gift of Himself to humanity. Join us as we examine the gradual revelation of the Father in salvation history through the Covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and finally the New Covenant sealed in the blood of Jesus Christ. See the perfect gift of God foretold and prefigured in the Old Testament, fully revealed in the New Testament. 
2/265 – 67BUY NOW
The New EvangelizationCultural Catholicism is not enough. God has no grandchildren. He wants a personal relationship with us all, especially those who have been baptized. At the core of Catholic Christianity is not an institution, but the Person of Jesus Christ. What made the martyrs willing to die rather than renounce the Lord Jesus? Where is that impetus today? Examine with us the call to re-evangelize the 'sacramentalized but not evangelized'.
2/148 – 49BUY NOW
The GospelsThe Gospels tell of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. For Matthew, He is the Royal Messiah long awaited by the Jews. For Mark, He is the powerful miracle worker. For Luke, He is the Savior of the whole world: the Chosen People and the Gentiles. For John, He is the Logos, the Word of God and Second Person of the Trinity who gives Himself as the Bread of Heaven.
3/225 – 60BUY NOW
HeresiesThere are no 'new' heresies; Gnosticism, Arianism, Pelagianism and others reappear today under different names. Learn how to defuse some of the ticking time bombs that threaten the very fabric of our culture and the Church in our time. Ideas do matter.
3/156 – 59BUY NOW
History of the Catholic ChurchThe Catholic Church is Jesus' ultimate bequest to us, His human family. This presentation explores what it means to be One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. Topics include: The Early Church, Heresies, the Councils, the Crusades, Inquisition, Reformation and Counter-Reformation, the great saints, Modernism, Faith and Reason, and the role of the Church in the modern world.
3/152 – 71BUY NOW
Marriage and the FamilyJoin us as we look at the philosophical, social, anthropological, and theological foundations of marriage. We will examine common myths about marriage and conclude that only God's plan for marriage establishes the family as the fundamental building block of society.
3/240 - 65BUY NOW
Mary, Mother of GodMary is the Ark of the New Covenant, the Mother of the Messiah, and the Mother of the Church. Join us as we explore her story, the main teachings of the Church concerning Mary, and look at her approved apparitions.
2/143 - 51BUY NOW
MiraclesSigns and wonders accompanied and highlighted Jesus’ teaching. Far from being past events, God’s direct interventions into our world continue today. Join us as we examine specific miracles and grow in our appreciation and love for our Father in Heaven who works both through and around ordinary and extraordinary channels of grace for our benefit and the furthering of His Kingdom.
1/172BUY NOW
Overview of the ProphetsThe Old Testament Prophets spoke to the people of their day about timeless issues of rebellion, judgement and restoration. Join us for this “Overview of the Prophets” as we explore the message and times of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and the other faithful servants of God’s Word.
3/363 - 67BUY NOW
Overview of ScriptureThe promise of the Messiah unfolds in the Old Testament against the backdrop of the calling out and developing of the Chosen People, Israel. Jesus Christ, Son of God, and Messiah is the fulfillment of the Old and the Seal of the New Covenant. See how the Father draws all humanity to Himself in His only Son through the power of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament.
2/141 - 57BUY NOW
PurgatoryThe promise of the Messiah unfolds in the Old Testament against the backdrop of the calling out and developing of the Chosen People, Israel. Jesus Christ, Son of God, and Messiah is the fulfillment of the Old and the Seal of the New Covenant. See how the Father draws all humanity to Himself in His only Son through the power of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament.
2/141 - 45BUY NOW
Revelation - The VictoryRevelation is a wonderful invitation to hope and trust in Jesus Christ, the Lord of History and the Victor over sin, death, and all evil. In the Eucharist we participate in the same heavenly liturgy celebrated before the throne of God. The message to the early Church is the same today: Be not afraid, for He has conquered the world.
1/157BUY NOW
Saints Like UsThe name of Jesus is wonderful and powerful. Our Savior is given many names in Scripture. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Counselor and Prince of Peace. He is the Word, the Son of Man, the Root and the Branch of Jesse, as well the Lion of Judah. Join us as we explore His many names with an eye to discovering more about Him in order to know, love and serve Him better.
2/140 - 41BUY NOW
The Powerful Name of JesusThe name of Jesus is wonderful and powerful. Our Savior is given many names in Scripture. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Counselor and Prince of Peace. He is the Word, the Son of Man, the Root and the Branch of Jesse, as well the Lion of Judah. Join us as we explore His many names with an eye to discovering more about Him in order to know, love and serve Him better.
2/140 - 41BUY NOW
Why Study Scripture"God reveals Himself in His written Revelation". The Sacred Scriptures teach us everything we need to know, love, and serve Him. Join us for this basic introduction to the need for studying and applying God's Word to our lives from the heart of the Church.
1/160BUY NOW

Formats Available:

The materials can be obtained in DVD, CD or Digital format.

  • These materials do not have Data CD.
  • Handouts are available online.
  • Not all Presentations have handouts.
  • Audio CD and DVD presentations may not be the same but cover the same material.