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The Bible is full of fascinating stories, but few match the conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle, commemorated in the feast day January 25.

Paul, originally known as Saul, was literally blinded by the light on the road near Damascus, at which time Jesus spoke to him saying, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” In the story, vividly recounted in Acts (22:3 -16), Jesus commands that Saul enter Damascus to learn more about his new mission of evangelization. Interesting that the name Damascus means “a well-watered land.”

Today, few of us are as passionate as Paul about our faith and even fewer preach and write with such fervor. It’s easy to rationalize that we have not been inspired by a voice speaking to us from above.

But are we sure that is the case? Could it be we are not listening or open to what he is saying? Certainly, if Jesus spoke to him before this occasion, Paul was not listening. Perhaps the dramatic measures described in Acts 22 were required to get his attention.

As this year begins, Paul’s encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus might inspire us to open our hearts and minds to hear the voice of God in our lives and to respond wholeheartedly.