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Living as Christians in our time is truly countercultural. Far from aiding virtue and traditional values society reinforces temptations dressed up as moral certitudes.

Moral relativism and bankrupt ideologies are influencing social media, entertainment, economics, education, and the political sphere.

What is a faithful Catholic to do? In His great love and divine plan out Lord offers many resources to deepen our faith and live like intentional disciples.

One of the best ways to stay true as a Catholic in the modern age is to engage with content that comes straight from the Source. Reading and studying the Scriptures offer us solutions that make for life. We will know the will of God through His divine Revelation. Studying the Bible individually and in groups, even writing in our journals is a great way to stay faithful and perceive what God is doing. Another way is seeking community with other faithful Christians. As iron sharpens iron we can help and sustain one another on the way back to the Father’s house. Reading the bible, studying the bible, journaling, and surrounding ourselves with people who practice Catholicism is the best thing we can do.

Social media can be a good thing for Catholics when used with discernment. There are catholic and bible study accounts on almost all platforms, as well as like-minded people who share their prayers, and apps that send bible verses of the day and encourage daily scripture reading (every day).

Bible studies, in a group setting or individually, can help deepen the understanding we have of the Word of God and help us draw closer to Him.

Current challenges can be addressed by joining a Bible Study. Join us at a CWBS bible study or start one of your own!

Register for our in-person studies here. If you can’t join us in Lexington, KY, purchase one of our products here!