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Does being a good Catholic just mean trying hard? Yes, of course we want to live our Faith as completely as possible. We want to walk in God’s light and be good disciples.

We know there are some things we should be doing every day according to the church to increase our Faith. These include attending Sunday mass, being good to others, reading the Bible, and practicing the Faith every day in whatever way we can. Whether that be nightly prayers, morning devotionals, or attending Bible studies, there are several ways to feel closer to God.

Even though we all have our own methods to living our best faithful life, there are some things we can do to become closer to God.

Here is a list of 7 things you can do to grow in your Catholic Faith.


1.Go to confession once a month.

Confessing your sins regularly is an act of humility, and this will bring you closer to the Lord, as well as giving you the grace to grow in perfection.


2. Pray daily for at least five minutes.

Just like earthly relationships, our relationship with the Lord needs to involve spending time with each other. There are devotionals and prompts for prayers available to spark ideas and help you spend more time with Jesus, thereby deepening your relationship.


3. Read the daily mass readings each day.

If you do not have time to go to mass each day, examining the Mass readings is a great way to walk with Christ daily.


4. Do one Act of Mercy each day.

We were given the Corporal and Spiritual works of Mercy by the Church to help make sure that all people know God’s love. Some of these include feeding the hungry, forgiving willingly, and praying for the living and the dead.


5. Pray the Rosary.

Praying the Mysteries of the Rosary will bring you closer to Mother Mary and closer to Her Son Jesus.


6. Volunteer in your Parish.

There are so many opportunities for people to volunteer in Parishes, from lectoring to volunteering at church festivals. Reach out to your Parish to find out how you can help today.


7. Find a good Catholic Community to join and surround yourself with Faithful friends.

Even Jesus needed community, and He found that in His 12 Apostles. Walking alone is much harder than walking in a group. Surrounding yourself with good people who will help inspire you on in your journey with Jesus is crucial to remaining Faithful. Find that group in a Catholic Way Bible Study near you!


Whether you are looking to grow your Faith or are just getting started in your journey toward Christ, Catholic Way Bible Study has the tools for you to succeed. Reach out to us today for more information on living in Christs image.